'Freelancing' - Week 2
Freelancing-wise this week was pretty dismal. I almost had an ideal part-time job lined up through a temp agency, but the position got put on hold, which always seems to happen when you’re really interested in the job. I also got passed up on the contract job I was under-qualified for, which was not surprising. In good news, I sent some writing samples to a local magazine and I lined up a meeting with another potential client but didn’t spend much time looking for work, for two main reasons:
The blinding white figure behind me represents my anxiety. Also the objectification of women.
- Half of the week was spent in Seattle visiting my mom, who had flown down from Alaska, and playing around with my new laptop (Goodbye 2008 Macbook, you served me far longer than any other laptop I had, but that whirring sound you make now is worrisome). It also takes a surprisingly long time to transfer everything to a new computer on your own.
- The other half of the week was spent having an emotional breakdown. I’ve traded the depression from struggling to find meaning in a day job to struggling to find meaning in being unemployed and trying to find the work I want to do. It’s depression plus constant anxiety! Really that’s just the latest manifestation of a long history of depression but it’s been seeping into other parts of my life recently and I need to get a handle on it.
But there are some exciting things to talk about this week, which I will get to later.
This week I am starting over again.
Also, if you know of a job please tell me.