TJ is a writer living in Portland, OR.

‘Telephone: An International Arts Experiment’

‘Telephone: An International Arts Experiment’

Remember when I mentioned that I had participated in a game of telephone for artists? Well the game is done and the online gallery is up AND THE NEW YORK TIMES WROTE ABOUT IT.

I am not in the article at all, but the article is about an art installation that I am part of. So it's the same thing in my mind.

Anyway, you can read the article here.

And you can go to the gallery here. You can search for me by name under ‘BROWSE’ just poke around until you find me. But you can also try to find my piece by searching through all the art pieces and watching the journey of the game.

Telephone Chart

I hadn’t looked at the piece I wrote since I sent it in to Satellite Collective, so it was great to rediscover it. It was also great to see the three pieces of art that were inspired by my piece: a short film, a painting, and a song. Three hundred artists from 42 countries participated in this this project and I’m proud to be one of them.

Xi'an Update

Xi'an Update

Xi'an Update

Xi'an Update