TJ is a writer living in Portland, OR.

Allied Arts: A Social Justice Social

Allied Arts: A Social Justice Social

Some friends of mine started a group called Allied Arts, the goal was to make a group that supports social justice by raising money and awareness through their artistic mediums. For their first event they are doing a fundraiser for Social Justice Fund Northwest, a member-funded foundation that raises money for grassroots organizations working on social justice issues in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. They asked me to read something as part of their line up. Here's the details:

Allied Arts: A Social Justice Social
March 25
Lagunitas Brewing Community Room
237 NE Broadway St Suite 300, Portland, OR 97232
Admission is $12 (includes drink ticket and raffle ticket)

Lineup (besides me): Roy Antonio Arauz, Tony Ramirez, Clay River and the Sacred Poets, and Avery Gilbert (ADOS 33).

Visual art for sale by: Darcy DuBose, Abrahm Guthrie, Samantha Grace Lamont, Jenna Lechner, Megan Maxwell, Brian Park, Nicole Schultz, Susan Russell, Cait Spera, Rambling Hands, Amelia Bjesse, and Sophie Wood.

Also there will be pizza. And tamales.


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Supermarket Bouquet

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